Dashboard, Reporting & Forecasting

Comprehensive reports with instant information for key decision makers

Measure all aspects of your worker activity including AWR exceedances, hours worked by duty type, fatigue and risk, unfilled shifts and door to door time. Run reports on demand within a given date range or auto schedule to people in the business.

Key Features


View projections for users based on target goals, revenue or profit

Measure Supplier Performance

Shifts distributed to suppliers to fill are monitored on reaction time, fill rate and more.

Filter, Search & Slice Data

Filter key data in an instant and view across periods of time.

GP & Spend Breakdown

Exception reporting to control minimum margins and other key indicators.

Shift Notice Time

Report on the time between receiving the shift and when it needs to be filled.

Key Performance Indicators

Measure your reliability, capacity and fill rates.

Increase Worker Retention Rates

Signal automatically monitors starters, active workers and leavers to generate real-time retention rates scores & graphs.

Real-time information as the roster and timesheet data comes in

Hours Worked, Excessive Hours Excessive Hours Per Shift, Minimum Break Contraventions Working+Travel Time Exceptions.

Displays interactive charts of filled and unfilled shifts by duty type, client account and scheduler.

Report on any fatigue risks and plot via date range. Identify common patterns.

Signal’s technical team can design reports according to the data that you wish to display.

- Hours Worked
- Hours & Rates
- Excessive Hours
- Excessive Hours Per Shift
- Minimum Break Contraventions
- Working+Travel Time Exceptions
- Fatigue Risk
- Unfilled Shifts
- Duties Type Shifts
- Travel Time
- Texts Sent
- Availability
- Customer Shift
- Rates
- Competency Report
- Equipment Report
- Ticket Report
- No shows
- Timesheet Status
- Charge & Invoice